
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Signs of Poor Fitting Shoes

Shoes that don't fit correctly may look good, but they won't feel good. As soon as you slip a on new pair of shoes, ascertain whether or not they fit correctly. Several factors go into finding the best shoe for you, and knowing the signs of poor fitting shoes will keep your feet comfortable and happy.

Not Enough Toe Room

Your shoes should never feel tight on your toes. Your feet need a little wiggle room to keep them comfortable, so wear shoes that give you a little space. When buying shoes, there should be about 1/2-inch of space between your longest toe and the tip of your shoe. On the other hand, your shoes shouldn't just slip off your feet either. Walk around in your shoes before purchasing to test them for fit.


Tightness doesn't just apply to the length of your shoe; the width of your shoe is also important. Shoes that are too tight can cause unnecessary foot pain. Always fit your shoe to your bigger foot. While having one slightly larger foot is fairly common and nothing to worry about, it can affect the comfort of your shoe fit. When purchasing new shoes, try them on at the end of the day when your feet tend to be the largest due to swelling. This ensures that your shoes will never get too tight.

Blisters and Other Irritations

An obvious sign of ill-fitting shoes will be the occurrence of blisters and other irritations, like redness, pain and cramping. Blisters are caused by friction, which occurs especially often in new shoes that are yet to be broken in. However, some shoes simply aren't made to fit the shape of your feet and, no matter how many miles you walk in them, will continue to cause irritation and blisters. A shoe insole can help with this; so if you really love your shoes, go this route before throwing them in the back of your closet.
The size and shape of your feet can change over time, so even if an old pair of shoes fit perfectly once, they may not wear so well later on in life. Pay attention to signs and changes in your feet and adjust your footwear accordingly. Ladies who've had babies are especially likely to notice changes as the release of the hormone relaxin can cause ligaments in the foot to adjust. Weight gain and genetics can also play a part in changes in your foot shape.

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