
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Online Shopping Vs. In-Store Shopping: Which Is Better?

From the minimalist consumer to the indulgent discount bargain hunter, the biggest shopping season has faithfully arrived. Although the level of retail consumption varies from household to household, the battle between online shopping in contrast to the in-store alternative continues to baffle many. Internet shopping has become this generation’s shopping staple. Each avenue bears its own unique advantages and disadvantages to consumers, so how does you decide what’s best for you?

The key is balance — a happy medium for your purchasing needs. Online shopping eliminates pushy sales clerks, the need to purchase gas, and increasing your car’s mileage with minimal distractions. However, shopping from the web provides the consumer a more controlled environment, at the expense of pesky, follow-up emails and costly shipping fees. When buying online, uncontrollable circumstances abound — shipping delays due to weather and time-consuming exchange/return procedures make shopping on the net a hassle. In contrast, online bargains offer relief from impulse buys and consumer rush, allotting ample time to compare prices and shop on your own schedule. What shopping online fails to provide is that good old fashioned tangible buying experience. Although brick and mortar stores aren’t always easily accessible, with hours that coincide with your life schedule, they provide a valuable opportunity to support local businesses and your community. Returns and exchanges are easier. Shipping delays are of no worry. And tracking numbers? Please!

Directly exchanging money for a product you leave the store with is refreshing in a digital society, where technology reigns and anything of value is now intangible. Before you begin your holiday season shopping, select your shopping method based on your budget, schedule and level of tolerance.

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