
Friday, April 4, 2014

How to Buy a Used Laptop Online

Like new cars, laptops decrease in value soon after they are driven off the lot. It's no wonder that used cars and laptops have steadily gained in popularity among bargain hunters looking for a good deal and a great piece of hardware. A used laptop offers a rather inexpensive, portable backup if you don't have high requirements. Children can take their homework with them, or play games while on road trips on just about any run-of-the-mill used laptop without Mom and Dad worrying too much about the cost. Buying a used laptop online can help you, the consumer, shop wisely, comparing prices and features from the comfort of your own home.


    • 1
      Determine your requirements. Are you sending a few emails and surfing the Net, or will you be working on graphics and 3D modeling? For more video intensive uses, including playing high-end PC games, you'll want a video card of 128 MB or more. Everyday or basic word processing? You'll want a laptop with 512 MB of RAM or more.
    • 2
      Surf auctions or online stores for the features you need and want.
    • 3
      Ask for a variety of pictures of the laptop when you find one you're interested in. You should ask for a close-up of the keyboard, preferably on the horizontal plane, to check for any lifting of keys. Also ask for a picture of all sides, both open and closed, to check for a warped case. If the lid doesn't close completely or there are warps on the hinge when open, pass it by.
    • 4
      Research the components and networking inclusions to find out if you can upgrade any as your needs evolve. If you don't foresee many nights of gaming, or plan on building complex graphics on the laptop but do plan on sending email from WiFi hotspots, make sure the networking card can be upgraded.
    • 5
      Question the seller extensively. Is the seller the original owner? Which accessories are included? How long does a full battery charge last and how long does it take to charge? Are the software CDs included? Is the valid serial number sticker still attached? Does it crack or creak when opened or closed? Is the cooling loud? Does the owner have receipts from all repairs that will be included? Is the manufacturers warranty, if it's still covered, transferable? Are there transfer fees involved? If the answers are vague or non-descript, or the seller is evasive, look elsewhere.

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