
Monday, April 7, 2014

It Is Now Confirmed – iPhone 6 Will Come With 4.7″ And 5.5″ Screen, Will Look Like This

The rumors about the release of an iPhone 6 this year have just got more ground thanks to a report that says Apple is planning to begin production of new screens for its famous phone. Reuters has said that the company plans to begin production in May, citing supply-chain sources.
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Apple will begin producing the 4.7-inch screen next month, while the 5.5-inch version could be delayed. The production of the screens hints at a fall release date for the new, eagerly awaited iPhone.
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The list of manufacturers that could be making the new display includes, Sharp, LG Display and Japan Display. The increase in size from the current 4-inch screen of the iPhone 5S is something that iPhone supporters and Apple fans have long been awaiting. With other smartphones crossing the 5-inch screen size, Apple was the only one left behind. But with this new development, the concerns of fans and analysts are sure to be quieted.
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The reason for delay of the 5.5-inch display is said to be due to complications related to problems with the in-cell production technology, which may result in a shift to film-sensor technology instead of in-cell technology due to its larger size.
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The larger screen size just underlines the rivalry that Apple has with Samsung, a smartphone producer that is leading in the Android market and has sufficiently larger screens than the iPhone 5S and 5C. But with this new announcement, Apple fans can rest assured that the new iPhone will once again compete with the big boys.

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