
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to organise your kitchen

Arranging and organising your kitchen pantry on the weekend will help you cook faster and hassle-free meals. We show you how:

The first step to organising your kitchen is by emptying all the food cabinets and shelves. Empty and clean one shelf at a time. Start sorting all your food. If you find any edible items past their expiry dates, throw them in the garbage.

To scrub all the shelves clean, take a hot dish cloth with some white vinegar and use this as a cleansing agent. Once you've wiped with the vinegar, use a cloth dipped in regular water to further wipe it clean and finally wipe it dry with a thick cloth.Once you're done sorting and cleaning, start designating shelves to all the items. Dried grains and beans should be stocked together; spices should be in another shelf while everyday items like oats, cornflakes, bread etc should be kept handy, and not at the back. Labelling your shelves is a great idea, to know what has been kept where.

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