
Monday, March 31, 2014

How to Grow Longer Healthy Hair

Hair grows on average 4-7 inches per year. For those wanting to grow their hair long, this can make for a long wait. A variety of factors determine how fast the hair grows including age, gender, hormone levels, diet, and physical health.
Hair that is damaged will grow slower than normal, healthy hair. Why? Growth is slowed not only because of the hair damage itself, but because of the health of the scalp. Those who color, process, heat style and otherwise abuse the hair regularly also tend to damage the scalp, leading to poor circulation, clogged pores and therefore reduced growth.
So, are there any ways to make hair grow faster? Evidence suggests there are some techniques you can try to help your hair grow a little faster than average. Use one or many of the suggestions below and you will find your hair grows fuller, healthier and likely quite a bit faster than usual.

Nutrients Needed for Long Healthy Hair

Proper nutrients are required in order for hair to grow properly. A healthy diet, supplemented with some key nutrients, can help you not only be healthier in general, but will result in healthier hair, skin and nails.

Essential Fatty Acids for Hair Growth

Essential fatty acids improve hair texture and help prevent breakage. EFA's also assist in the hair growth cycle. They help with blood circulation and cell growth. They can help promote a healthy scalp and may help increase nutrient absorption at the hair follicle. Deficiencies in EFA's actually lead to dry, brittle hair, breakage and hair loss.
Essential fatty acids are found in fish, nuts and seeds. You can also get them by taking a daily supplement of flax seed oil or fish oil.

B-Complex Vitamins for Hair Growth

Many people believe that “vitamin B” is one nutrient, but it is actually a group of vitamins, each with their own properties. B vitamins are water soluble, meaning the body doesn't store them and they need to be replenished regularly through diet and/or supplementation. B vitamins are responsible for hundreds of biological processes throughout the body.
B6 promotes healthy hair be keeping the scalp healthy. Biotin (B7) is used by the body to promote cell growth and produce fatty acids, both of which are important for hair growth and health. In fact, a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to thinning hair.
Vitamin C for Hair
Vitamin C improves scalp circulation and is vital for preventing hair loss. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the production of collagen, the building blocks of healthy skin and hair. A breakdown of collagen causes hair loss.

Vitamin E for Hair Growth and Health

Vitamin E contributes to the growth of capillaries, which improve circulation to the scalp and helps prevent hair loss. Increased circulation also helps promote faster hair growth in many people. If you hair is damaged to over-styling or chemical processing, vitamin E oil can be added topically as well to nourish the hair shaft and follicle.

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