
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Giving yourself a head massage

Head massage not only lets you rejuvenate, but also lets your hair breathe and get its dose of nourishment.

Once a week, giving yourself a head massage is considered beneficial to your scalp, because in addition to your hair, your scalp too needs some pampering and care. And giving a head massage with an oil of your choice meets that requirement.

Step 1
Choose the oil. You can keep it simple and select the coconut oil. If you want to try variations in oil base, you can opt for olive, sesame or almond oil for your hair and scalp. If aroma therapy is what you are looking for, then pick some jasmine, lavender or chamomile oil. Add these essential oils to the primary oil base - either to coconut or olive oil.

Step 2
Take the oil in a small container. Warm it. Apply the warm oil though the scalp evenly by taking small quantities and parting your hair and applying it through patches.

Step 3
Gently massage your head and scalp, ideally your fingers should move in circular motion. The massage should be for about 7 to 10 minutes for effectiveness.

Step 4
Leave the hair with oil for half an hour to one hour. Ideal way of letting you hair absorb the oil would be to leave it overnight. Then wash your hair. While shampooing too, make sure you apply the shampoo in circular motions and gently.

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