
Monday, February 17, 2014

How To Protect Your Lips

 The skin on our lips is very thin and there are no oil glands to help protect them. So, it's up to you. Here are a few things you should know about your lips and how to care for them.
Here's How:
1.   The Reasons...
2.   Heat as well as cold can contribute to dried out lips.
3.   Another cause of dry lips is aging. The older you get, the more prone they are to chapping.
4.   Avoid licking your lips. Easier said than done. I know but read on.
5.   Another bad habit that you can fall into is biting off bits of dead skin.

6.   Chewing on your lips is more popular than you might think. And for women who wear lipstick, here is a bit of trivia that I dug up for you...
7.   Did you know that women who are habitual lip chewers eat four to nine pounds of lipstick during their life?
8.   How To Protect Your Lips...
9.   Drink plenty of water to moisturize your lips from the inside.
10.   Cracked lips could be a sign that your diet is low in B vitamins.
11.   Keep lips well lubricated at all times and this means at bedtime as well. My lips are especially dry right after brushing my teeth!
12.   I find that one lip balm is not enough. I keep one in my desk drawer, one in the bathroom, and one in each of my purses.

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