
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How to Open a Children's Clothing Store

If you open a children's clothing store, you'll need to invest a significant amount of time and money into your business. It's a big step, but if you have an interest in children's clothing, fun ideas and good business sense, a children's clothing store could be the right business for you.

1 Define your store's image and style. Get ideas from other stores, both children's clothing stores and other types that you admire. Study the product selection, layout, decor and displays at other stores. Find a niche and offer something different than the competition.

2 Save enough to cover 6 months of operating expenses. Plan on spending up to 50 percent more than your estimated expenses. Remember to budget for health insurance for your family, a good inventory control and accounting software, and fees for accountants and contractors. Purchase used equipment, like display materials, fixtures and lighting.

 3 Determine the location and size of your store. Choose a location near stores that have products similar or complementary to yours. Make sure there is adequate parking and proper zoning and that it's in an economically stable growth area, with demographics that meet your target market. Allow 20 to 30 percent of the floor space for aisles and common areas.

4 Get a short-term lease with options to renew at the same rental fee. Find out what other charges are your responsibility.

5 Choose a name that matches the style of your store. Keep in mind that each word and letter adds to signage fees.

6 Work many hours until you can hire sales staff. When you hire staff, provide bonus and commission incentives to save on salary expenses and motivate employees. Customer service is your competitive advantage. Make sure your employees provide it.

7 Allocate a percentage of your sales toward advertising and marketing. Advertising should fit in with your store image.

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