
Monday, February 17, 2014

Best Exfoliating Tips for the Face

Chances are if you don't exfoliate daily or weekly, your skin is covered in dead skin cells that are mucking up the surface of your skin and causing your skin to not only look dull, but older. Without proper exfoliation, foundation won't smooth over your skin cleanly and moisturizer won't properly soak in. Here are my best exfoliating tips for the face:

·        The best time to exfoliate is in the morning. Apparently, our skin repairs itself at night therefore the morning is the perfect time for scrubbing away those dead skin cells.

·         Exfoliate with a scrub once or twice a week. Don't over-exfoliate or use a product with granules that can tear at the skin. Rub the product in a circular motion for 30 seconds and then rinse off with lukewarm -- never hot -- water. If you have oily skin, large pores or acne-prone skin, you can try an at-home microdermabrasion system.

·         To save time, mix in a dime-size amount of your favorite facial scrub into your cleanser and do it all at once.
·         There are some great scrubs on the market, but a washcloth works (almost) as well and it's more budget-friendly in these recessionary times. 

·         Clarisonic Skincare Brush is one of those rare products that is beloved by most everyone who tries it. Basically a tool for cleansing the face, you use the Clarisonic with your favorite cleanser to deep clean your pores.

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