
Friday, January 10, 2014

Ten Steps For Buying A Used Car Without Getting Screwed

 It's easy to get screwed with a used car. Follow these steps and you should have no problem at all buying your new old car.

10.) Know your budget

Know your limit. I'm talking financially and, in a way, logically.

9.) Research the model

Understand what model you want, known weak points, typical repair and cost intervals and price points.

8.) Check the forums

If buying person to person instead of through a dealership, check enthusiast forums before Craigslist. First when dealing with an individual your more likely to be able to get a better deal depending on the persons situation but with a little chat and some friendly conversation the bartering process is more likely to come out better than if dealing with a used car salesman and on top of that forum users are more apt to give deals to other users. Also you can look back to the users history to see potential issues, build threads or you can more honestly see if the car has been raced or beaten on.

7.) Look for local used-car auctions

You likely won't be able to do a pre-vehicle inspection with your mechanic, but you will have a good opportunity to save a lot of money. You may have some gremlins to deal with, but overall you'll probably come out on top.

6.) Find out what certified means

Just because a car is "certified" it honestly doesn't mean all that much
There's only a couple of companies out there that have a VERY extensive certification process that means something. That's Honda, Merc, and Toyota.
Most dealerships use the same checklist for their used vehicles whether they certify them or not. This means a few things.
1. The customer had a good experience the first time they purchased, good enough that they would come back and do it again.
2. The service records may be available on the vehicle. Contrary to popular belief dealerships do not share service records with each other. The customer might keep them and if they did, that's typically the only way you'll know if the vehicle was taken care of. If the customer returned to the dealer they usually also use them for service.
3. The dealership knows the customer and can answer more detailed questions about the vehicle and how it was used.

5.) Don't buy on impulse

Don't buy on an impulse. Buying on an impulse leads you to decide that you're going to buy the vehicle before you've looked at it, and that makes you do things like inspect the vehicle in the dark and/or in the rain, where you're not going to look at or see certain things.

4.) Use your own mechanic

 For most consumers finding a knowledgeable mechanic will be the most important step in the used car buying process.

used car is guilty until proven innocent. Do not buy one without taking the car for a For most consumers finding a knowledgeable mechanic will be the most important step in the used car buying process. A used car is guilty until proven innocent. Do not buy one without taking the car for a professional inspection.   The diligent mechanic will work through a standard check list and then take the car for a test drive in a variety of operating condition.Not only does it give the customer peace of mind, but it also lets them know what we've put into the car as far as repairs, maintenance, detail, and reconditioning goes. If the seller doesn’t agree to let you do so you’re done. Period. No exceptions. Ever.

3.) Inspect the owner, not just the car

If you're buying privately, inspect the owner.
Not in a creepy way though.
Is the owner trustworthy? Would they sell you a car without telling you about all the bad stuff or telling you straight when you ask about something bad?
Is the owner one to neglect maintenance?
Is the owner eager to sell the car or not willing to sell it at all?
Sometimes learning about the owner can tell you a lot about the car.

2.) Don't finance through the dealership

Never finance unless it's at 0%. Seriously, this one should be a no brainer. Don't spend more money on financing. Your bank or lending center will likely have a better rate.

1.) Be willing to walk away

Be willing to walk away. Prepare ahead of time and don't let your emotions get you in over your head.

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