
Thursday, January 30, 2014

How to Grow out Short Hair

If you want to start growing out your short hair, it's really not as hard as it seems. Long hair can look great and can be worn up or down. If you follow the tips below you will have lovely, long hair as quickly as possible.
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    Cut your hair. Before growing your hair, it needs to be cut. If not, split ends will grow long. When your hair reaches it's desired length, it will have to be cut shorter due to the split ends.
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    Take multi-vitamins every day. Hair is made up of building blocks and without the correct vitamins, it can't grow properly. You can buy packets at any pharmacy. Even if you have a really healthy diet, take vitamins as an extra bonus.
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    Drink plenty of water. As well as keeping you healthy, it's good for your hair and will stop it from drying out. If your hair dries, not only will it start to frizz and look bad, but it will also appear to shrivel slightly and look shorter.
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    Don't shampoo every day. Whenever you put shampoo on your hair, you're clogging up the hair follicles, even if it's a daily shampoo. Only wash your hair every other day. If you wash your hair every day, it will turn greasy!
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    Massage your head every day. By massaging your head, you bring more blood to your scalp, which increases hair growth.
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    Let your head hang upside down for 10-30 seconds each day. You may feel stupid, but it helps for two reasons. It relaxes the hair follicles and allows hair to grow faster and it brings more blood to your head.
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    Destress. Whether you choose to see a film with friends, have a long hot bath or relax at home, try to avoid all stress. When you're stressed, hair won't grow very fast.

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