
Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to Keep Good Salespeople When Sales Are Slow

A salesperson faces a challenging job even in a positive economic climate. When sales are slow, a salesperson may begin to question his effectiveness and lose his commitment. He may even begin to look elsewhere for employment. This crossroads presents an excellent opportunity for the business owner or manager to re-focus and re-energize his sales staff. The sales slowdown may also help him identify strategies to keep salespeople productively employed within the company and as contributors to the larger community.Step 1
Host a salesperson appreciation event. Show each salesperson he is an integral company team member regardless of the current business climate. Throw a surprise appreciation luncheon at a local restaurant or host a catered deli buffet in the office. Toast each salesperson's successes and develop a group commitment to a prosperous future. Talk in general terms about company goals and employees' ambitions, but plan to discuss the details at another meeting.

Step 2
Communicate an accountability standard. Meet with each salesperson individually to respect his privacy. Emphasize the importance of the employee's continued adherence to company standards and personal goals even in challenging economic conditions. For example, emphasize that the salesperson should continue to dress professionally regardless of the number of sales calls he makes. Stress that other sales team members depend on his commitment and contributions.
Step 3
Reinforce customer-focused sales principles. Reduce employees' concentration on income; instead, re-focus your staff on customer service. Hold an informal meeting where you discuss the importance of listening to each customer and learning about products or services he currently uses. Include role-playing exercises where you train your salespeople to pay attention to a customer's tone of voice or body language as part of the investigative process. Conclude your exercises by pointing out simple sales closing techniques that respect the customer while inviting him to purchase your product or service.
Step 4
Implement sales training and reinforcement. Use a slow sales environment as an opportunity to schedule additional employee training. If your company sells computer systems, invite a manufacturer's technical representative to train employees on the supplier's latest systems and applications. In a cosmetics sales environment, invite major companies' skin care experts to familiarize your staff with new skin care and makeup lines.
Step 5
Increase the level of sales activity. Focus an outside salesperson's efforts on more cold calls, including expansion of his sales prospecting areas. Ask him to conduct follow-up calls on previously contacted business owners. Request documentation for all appointments. Ask an inside salesperson or store associate to contact current and past business customers. Prepare a talking points sheet focusing on the quality of each customer's past experience. Ask the employee to address customers' concerns and highlight new products or services.
Step 6
Loan a salesperson to a charity campaign. Contact a large regional charity with which your company frequently partners. Arrange for one or more employees' paid loan to assist the charity with its fundraising or community outreach efforts. Note this is a "win-win-win" for all parties. The charity receives help from a skilled, personable ambassador; the employee continues to be paid, by the charity if necessary; and your company receives visibility and potential goodwill benefit from the larger community.
Step 7
Assign other productive work tasks. Ask each salesperson to complete one or more tasks that will enhance the company's performance. For example, ask employees to help transfer client files to the company computer or reorganize work areas for greater efficiency. Consider employees' skills and physical limitations when assigning these projects.

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