
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to Negotiate Prices

Many people have no idea of how to negotiate prices, however, doing so is expected almost on a daily basis. Locals not only expect some good-natured haggling, it is enjoyed!
Failing to negotiate prices not only robs you of money and a fun interaction, it increases prices for all travelers who come behind you. No need to feel uncomfortable; use these tips for negotiating prices to get better deals on nearly everything!
1. Shop in the Right Places
You'll be at an advantage before you even start to negotiate prices if you buy away from tourist markets and places where prices have been inflated. Shoppers who fail to negotiate often drive prices up on an item, and vendors are less willing to negotiate because they know that within minutes another sucker will come along and pay the asking price.
2. Do Your Research
Roughly knowing an item's worth will give you a huge advantage when negotiating prices. Shop around  before you make a purchase.As a general rule of thumb, try never to buy from the first place you find something.

3. Be Ready to Walk Away
Appearing too eager or happy about an something is a sure way to pay more. Instead, appear uninterested and make sure that the vendor knows you can certainly live without making a purchase. Shopping around first will give you the confidence that you may find a better price in a neighboring stall.
If you absolutely cannot get a vendor to budge on a price, simply say “thank you” and walk away. If the shopkeeper chases you with a better offer you can continue negotiations. Be aware that in very touristy places vendors may not chase you at all because they know someone else will come along and pay the asking price..
4. Start Insanely Low
Shopkeepers know the old trick of shoppers halving the initial price, so prices have already been set to compensate. Instead, start with an insanely low price so that you have more bargaining power later. Allow some room in your offer to give a little on the final price so that the vendor doesn't lose face.
5. Use the Local Language
Knowing at least how to say hello in the seller's language will immediately set you apart from the other shoppers who are simply out to get good deals and care little about the local culture. Attempting the local language shows respect, interest, and will almost always land you a better price. Use a small calculator to help avoid any miscommunication about the final price.
6. Arrive Early
If you spotted an interesting item in a night market, try arriving early the next evening as the vendor is setting up their booth. Many times this is considered the “lucky sale” and promises a fortuitous night for the seller, so they are more willing to bend on prices. 
7. Work as a Team
Strength in numbers makes negotiating prices that much easier. One person can point out flaws or state how expensive something is as if they are trying to talk their partner out of buying an item. The one holding the item can visually begin to cave in to make the seller feel the pressure of losing a sale.

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