
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Are smart phones better off without accessories?

Today many people have costly mobile phones in their pockets but they are very much afraid to flaunt it. They take all the protective measures in order to avoid even a single scratch.  Is it really that important to have so much of cover and protection for a phone or we are just paranoid to exhibit our phones in their own natural ways.
I agree, if you buy a costly object, then you will try your level best to keep it in a good shape for as long as possible. Does that mean you start putting those things under the cover which are meant to show off? So much emphasis is being paid on the design aspect of a phone, and if you start putting curtains over it then what is even the point of having such beautiful and gorgeous phones? These covers and cases for your phone only hamper the look and design of it. 

If you talk about screen guard, then that I think is a very good option for a mobile accessory. They are transparent and hence not even noticeable. It will help you in keeping your phone scratch resistant without sacrificing the class and elegance of a phone. They do not dominate the phone like the other flip cases or pouches. If you think that your phone needs more protection than just a screen guard then probably it’s better for you to become careful rather than diminishing your phone’s look.

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